Did My Jasmine Expect Method Get Called?

Inspecting expectations in Jasmine

When unit testing with Jasmine, expect() calls are not mandatory. That is, calling expect() at least once is not enforced by Jasmine. I recently ran into a problem which caused me to ask myself “did that expect method get called?”. I couldn’t count on Jasmine for this – in fact, my tests pass whether I include the expect() call or comment it out! So I went digging..

I determined that I could simply create spies for my expect() calls. This is an easy way to leverage Jasmine to inspect your tests. Simply create your spy:

const expectSpy: jasmine.Spy =

I am using TypeScript for my unit tests. Since the expect() method is global and I am running my tests in a browser, I use the window object directly. There are ways to obtain the global object without this sort of hard-coding but, that is besides the point.

Moving on, the expect() calls must work properly so and.callThrough() is called. This is important. Without including and.callThrough(), your tests will fail because, rather than Jasmine’s expect() execution, you will be limited to a jasmine.Spy.

Here is a more complete example of a test with an expect spy – slightly modified from a sample Angular 2 application I have been working on:

it('should trigger on selection change', async(() => {
  const expectSpy: jasmine.Spy =

  const triggerSpy = spyOn(component, 'triggerThemeChanged');

  const select =

  dispatchEvent(select.nativeElement, 'change');

  fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
  }).then(() => {

There are a few things about this test that are not the point of this article – what the heck is async() and the apparent improper use of dispatchEvent()? The important bits are the use of Promises as implied by the use of then() callbacks, the creation of the expect spy, and the inspection of the expect spy.

The test creates the expect spy and then uses expect() as usual within the test until it finally inspects the expect spy. Remember, the inspection of the expect spy counts as an expect() call! This is why expect(expectSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) is called with 2 rather than 1.

I stopped at the call count. This test could be extended to further leverage the Jasmine API by looking at expectSpy.calls with other handy methods to make sure the expect() calls were made properly. I’ll leave that for an exercise for the reader. Just make sure your testing, at a minimum, covers the scope of your problem.

If you have had similar issues or have explored this in more depth I would be very interested in hearing about your journey! Comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Meteor Hang-up: Extracting Package….

An all too common tale of a stalled package installation and the valiant efforts to resolve it

In the world of Node.js and NPM, things can change at an increasingly rapid pace. This causes pain when starting or upgrading projects that require NPM packages. While there are sites like Greenkeeper, I see them as symptoms of a flawed system. Yes, I will say that without offering alternative solutions because at the moment I am aware of exactly zero. Suggestions welcome!

It is a wonderful world of possibility.

Complaining about NPM is not the point of this article. I’ll stop wasting time:

Recently I came across a few excellent tutorials about using Meteor, Ionic 2, Angular and React. They eventually brought me to Telescope Nova. My first thought was: this looks promising.

After forking and cloning and other Gitisms, I was ready to start the application:

npm install
npm run start

Of course, I have a Microsoft development background so when I saw a bunch of red because of ‘.sh’ I wondered why these two letters were such a problem. I ended up having to update my start script to exclude this bit of code. The script I excluded simply renames a sample_settings.json file to settings.json. I figured that was a safe thing to shortcut in this case by renaming it myself.

My next step was to try it again!

> Nova@1.0.0 start C:\Demo\Telescope
> meteor --settings settings.json
 [[[[[ C:\Demo\Telescope ]]]]]
 => Started proxy.
 => Started MongoDB.
 => Extracting std:account-ui@1.2.17

To be honest, I let it try for a few hours and it just could not get that pesky package extracted. Certainly, something had gone wrong before that. After digging into the depths of Nova, Meteor, and NPM, I finally explicitly searched within Stack Overflow for Extracting std:accounts-ui.

The search came up with only 2 results which are both linked at the bottom of this article. Most importantly: following the suggestions solved my problem.

I fixed the issue by relocating the 7z executable (7z.exe) from: C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\.meteor\packages\meteor-tool\1.4.2_3\mt-os.windows.x86_32\dev_bundle\bin to a place outside of any source code, build code, and tool locations. I relocated it and instead of removing it because I didn’t want to mess up my machine any more than it already may have been. Turns out, the missing 7z.exe was all it took to get my Meteor package installed properly!

It figures that the solution was to create a sort of FileNotFound scenario.

In an effort to spread the word, the following links lead me to this solution:





I hope this helps. It is a rather simple solution in the end. I am very interested in learning about your past issues with our current favorite packaging system and its various dependencies. Feel free to comment if you have hard-fought wisdom to share!

UPDATE: Just a quick update here, turns out this approach can be helpful when updating packages or if you get stuck here ‘Extracting meteor-tool@1.4.2_5’ (after the recent patch). Note: extracting meteor tools can take a while (upward of 30+ minutes) so expect to wait a bit to know if it fails.

Bring Your Own Shell (Update 1.9 for VS Code)

Don’t like the new default shell? VS Code makes it easy to choose your own

I received the recent update for VS Code with pleasant surprises for the Integrated Terminal! Most importantly, it now defaults to Powershell. This can be changed using VS Code settings. This ability is not necessarily a new option within VS Code but, if you rather your own shell, then here we go!

Accessing Settings

To access VS Code settings, use the menu under File > Preferences and click Settings. A settings.json file opens with a list of Default Settings. These can be copied to your workspace or user settings.

With the Settings open, finding settings is easy – just type the setting name (or scroll) as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Looking for ‘shell’ commands in settings.json

Bring Your Own Shell

According to VS Code Documentation, a different shell executable can be used given that it adheres to this very important requirement:

..the shell executable must be a console application so that stdin/stdout/stderr can be redirected..

This offers a lot of flexibility to support your given scenario and preferences. Update the shell using the format: “terminal.integrated.shell.platform”: “full path to shell executable”. For example, when specifying the setting for Windows this would be similar to:


Shell Arguments

Arguments can be passed to this executable using the following format: “terminal.integrated.shellArgs.platform”: [“arg1”, …]. Specifying the setting for Windows would be similar to:

"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": ["Get-Help", "*"]


"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": ["Get-Help *"]

With those sample arguments, the terminal window will close after the help text displays for Powershell. While that is less than useful, the settings are there for your benefit. Choose the shell you want within VS Code and configure it accordingly. Of course, make sure you first have it installed.


I’m sure you all noticed the “platform” placeholder within the setting formats. At the time of this writing, the platforms for terminal settings specified within VS Code are:

  • linux
  • osx
  • windows

VS Code is awesome, what do you think? I am eager to hear of your experiences using Visual Studio Code!

Thankful for Integrated Terminals in Visual Studio Code

Since before I started my software development career, I have been using Visual Studio. It is a beast-mode IDE with tons of heavy-weight features and a bountiful supply of extensions. Don’t get me wrong, Visual Studio is near and dear. It has been the key to the successful delivery of many kinds of projects. Since Visual Studio was so useful, I honestly wondered why Visual Studio Code was even created. After using it though, my thoughts changed from “why?” to “this is amazing!”

To be able to view everything on a single screen is hard to do – some would say unnecessary or even Noise. One of the great things about VS Code is that it accomplishes the two feats of allowing a developer to quickly discover what they need during development without needing to wade through the noise. This is done by a simple tab-like interface including Explorer, Search, Git, Debug, and Extensions. The best part about this is the Integrated Terminal. It is very simple to get started, easily accessible, and easily ignored.

Integrated Terminals


My primary use for VS Code is front-end development. VS Code offers great tooling for creating high-quality user interfaces using the latest frameworks such as Angular 2 and React. Full-stack development can be done at once with a single language (JavaScript). With Integrated Terminals, Node.js operations can be performed quickly and easily.

With Extensions offering further integration, I find VS Code especially useful when developing with Node. Its Integrated Terminals allow an easy way of managing Node operations. When developing a MEAN stack application, each tier can get its own terminal for operations specific to that tier.

Dedicated terminals per tier are also beneficial because certain operations are long-running such as running MongoDB, Node and Angular. I tend to create a terminal per long-running operation. VSC makes it very easy to get these started – and to ignore them when they are not appropriate for the current task. For example, I can ignore the DB and Services when styling an Angular 2 component while still maintaining the benefit of them running so I can quickly test my work.

When writing front-end code, I would definitely recommend Visual Studio Code.


  • Ctrl+`
    • Toggle Integrated Terminal Panel
  • Ctrl+Shift+`
    • Create New Integrated Terminal Instance
  • Ctrl+Shift+P
    • Begin searching the Command Palette

User Interface


Interact with Integrated Terminals like you would a Command Prompt. Multiple instances can be created while being accessible by simply making a selection from the drop-down. From the small toolbar, instances can be removed, more instances can be created, and the down-arrow closes the entire panel.